Stepping onto the Tennis Court at 44

Parameshwar Hegde
3 min readJun 8, 2024
Playing Tennis@my apartment complex

Like many things in life, starting a new activity can be daunting at first. Today was my first tennis lesson, and at 44 years old, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Sure, I’d hit a few balls back in the day, but formal training? That was a whole new ball game.

Here’s the thing: I’ve learned a pattern when picking up new skills. There’s a struggle at the beginning, then things get smoother, followed by a plateau. But with dedicated practice, improvement happens. From swimming to public speaking, I’ve witnessed this cycle time and again. This realization takes the pressure off — I know what to expect.

So, with a mix of excitement and determination, I signed up for Saturday morning tennis lessons. My fitness could definitely use a boost, and who knows, maybe I’ll even develop a new passion for the sport!

My first lesson was a revelation. Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Forehand Finesse: I thought I had a decent forehand from my casual playing days. Turns out, there’s a lot more to it than just swinging the racket. My coach showed me the proper grip, stance, and follow-through — a complete game-changer! Now I understand why my shots lacked consistency. When he threw the ball for me to hit, I wondered why he is throwing so low. I realized hitting a low ball properly was more difficult than the one which bounces high…



Parameshwar Hegde

Senior Leader in Corporate IT in his early 40’s. Curious Observer at work and life. Sharing learning and experiences through interesting stories.