The Little Joys That Light Our Way

Parameshwar Hegde
3 min readMay 4, 2024
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Life unfolds in grand gestures, graduations, weddings, promotions. But nestled between these milestones are the quiet moments, the little joys that bring a smile to our face and a warmth to our hearts. These are the memories I hold dear, the ones that remind me of the simple beauty in everyday life.

One such memory shimmers like a golden thread — my son’s first days at school in London. There, parents were invited to spend time in the classroom. Sitting in the second row, I watched him, a tiny figure amidst a sea of faces. Every now and then, he’d turn, catch my eye, and a radiant smile would light up his face. The teacher’s lesson on phonics, the excited chatter of the children — it all created a symphony of joy in that small classroom. Even now, years later, those thirty minutes remain a cherished treasure.

Another simple pleasure I hold close is the joy of exploration. My first trip from India to the UK was a revelation. London’s streets, veiled in a soft, cool drizzle, became my playground. I walked for hours, the rhythmic click of my shoes against the pavement a comforting soundtrack. The vibrant energy of the city, the bustling crowds, filled me with a sense of wonder. It was a simple joy, yet one that continues to spark a smile.

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Parameshwar Hegde

Senior Leader in Corporate IT in his early 40’s. Curious Observer at work and life. Sharing learning and experiences through interesting stories.