The Man Under the Banyan Tree

Parameshwar Hegde
2 min readMay 11, 2024

The banyan tree stood sentinel at the edge of the marketplace, its sprawling branches a haven for a community of daily wage workers. Every morning, a scene unfolded beneath its shade — men, weathered by years of hard labor, gathered, hoping for a day’s work. This was the village I grew up in, a small, tightly-knit world where everyone knew everyone else, or at least, everyone’s role.

We didn’t have the luxury of LPG gas. Cooking was fueled by wood, which meant a periodic pilgrimage to the depot and the subsequent task of chopping the hefty logs into manageable pieces. This was…



Parameshwar Hegde

Senior Leader in Corporate IT in his early 40’s. Curious Observer at work and life. Sharing learning and experiences through interesting stories.